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Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Gentlemanly Response for The Dark Knight Rises

I feel like my purpose here is to respond as negatively to the Goose as possible.  That said, He is a poop face that needs to open his ears.  I seem to remember him complaining after the movie that he couldn't understand Bane, couldn't decipher his accent, couldn't keep his pants clean because Bane was too mean and scary to that nice Batman fella.  I loved what Tom Hardy did with Bane.  I had heard complaints that Bane was mumbling too much.  I disagree.  They purposely upped his speaking volume higher than everyone else so that you could understand him.  Also his accent was perfect.  On any other occasion if I'd heard and not seen someone speaking with that accent, I would assume it was coming from an uppity old man on an estate in some Jane Austen movie.  Coming from a man with a frightening mask that can press and smash Batman with ease was monstrous.  It was the exact opposite of what you would expect, and that made it so much better.

As to the Gooses other points I can't disagree.  I had to see this movie twice.  The first time I had just re-watched Batman Begins and the Dark Knight.  That was a huge mistake, and I knew that it would be too.  All year long I had been seeing trailers and was getting excited for the summer movie season.  Avengers-Awesome!  Prometheus-Spectacular!  The Amazing Spider-man-I'll withhold judgment until the second one.  But whenever I saw a preview for Dark Knight Rises I would look away, or pretend that it wasn't coming out this year.  Kind of like GI Joe isn't coming out this year.  I didn't want to get my hopes up because I knew that no movie could live up to The Dark Knight.  That is a once a decade movie.  I was successful until July 17th when I binged on every trailer and then watched both movies.  I was expecting way too  much the first time that I saw it.  I thought the middle was boring and that there wasn't enough Bane and Batman in the movie.  The last 30 minutes was spectacular on both viewings however.  The 2nd time I saw it I allowed the movie to develop itself, and I saw the purpose of the previously boring middle of the movie.  Also the ridiculously amazing speakers in the IMAX helped immensely.  I will not see an action movie anywhere else from now on.

 It seemed to me that Nolan did a great job of bringing his Batman together with 2 main stories from the comics.  Knightfall and No Man's Land.  In Knightfall, Bane breaks Batman over his knee and has to go overseas to recover physically and mentally to take Gotham back.  In No Man's Land, an earthquake isolates Gotham from the rest of the country and the Government destroys all access to the city.  Then the city is carved out by supervillain gangs.  The story is a great adaptation of Batman of the comics and Nolan's Batman.  The resolution of Ra's al Ghul's legacy was beautifully done.  However I do agree with the Goose that Nolan bails out of a beautiful ending by showing too much.  In Inception you don't know if the top falls at the end of the movie.  It's perfect.  You can come up with your own ending, or you can speculate.  It gets people talking.  In the end of this movie he sets up a similar situation, and then shows you.  It was like he didn't trust his audience because this movie is more main stream, or the audience wouldn't be smart enough to get it.  If he hadn't just done it with Inception I probably wouldn't have noticed, but it was too obvious that he wanted to leave it slightly open and then gave in.

 One last thing.  Yes, Robin is Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, and Damien.  His name isn't Robin.  Guess what.  It's Nolan's Batman.  He can do what he wants.  Get over it.

Overall I greatly enjoyed the movie once I allowed myself to enjoy it.  Everyone should go see it.  9 out of 10 goose feathers or whatever we are using as a ranking system.


Rated R for strong brutal bloody violence, language and some nudity.
100 minutes long
Cast: Ryan Gosling, Carey Mulligan, and  Bryan Cranston.

This movie is not for everyone. However, anything that has brutal bloody violence in it usually gets my attention. The movie started out slow, but the oddly placed 80's soundtrack kept me wondering what I had gotten myself into. The quirky, quiet, and sometimes dreamy character was played flawlessly by Ryan Gosling. The movie started out almost as a love story between neighbors, with Gosling playing the man of few words stunt driver who killed you with his kindness. Turns out you can also kill people without kindness. Half-way through the movie is an innocent scene with Gosling drinking coffee in a small diner. This scene changes the movie from a love story to an all out brutal bloody violent, ass-kicking, car chasing, finally sure what I got myself into movie. If you watch this movie stick with it through all the quirky material, and you won't be disappointed. It also has an ending that leaves you wondering what happened to our "Driver"

I give the movie an 8/10 only because the movie is not for everyone.

Interesting fact that I learned after watching the movie, is that you never learn the name of Ryan Gosling's character. He is listed as Driver in the end credits.

Batman - The Dark Knight Rises

Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action, some sensuality and language.
164 minutes long (the middle is the loooooong part)
Cast: Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Tom Hardy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Anne Hathaway, Michael Caine, and Morgan Freeman. (can you say star power)

I really liked the movie. It was a bit long at times, but the movie kept on flowing enough to stay entertaining. There were just a few things that I did not like about the movie. The first thing was that I found it really hard to understand Bane in the first half of the movie. Then all of a sudden in the second half I had no problem hearing him. The other thing I did not like was it seemed that each main character got a minute in the movie to give their acting bid for an Oscar. These are pretty minors issues for a 2 hour and 45 minute movie, which is why the movie was all around a great movie. The acting was good, Anne Hathaway as Catwoman was a good choice, and the last 30 minutes of the movie kept me on the edge of my seat.
Two last things. See the movie in IMAX! You will not regret the extra money spent on the ticket.
Second, this movie could have given me the feeling I had at the end of Inception, but Christopher Nolan went a different direction. 

I give the movie a 9/10

Golden Egg

 A must see!